2. I really wasn't mad at Jeff. I was just frustrated that, at 3:45 am, I was having to choose if it was more important for my husband or my son to be sleeping. All's well that ends well - Jeff just got home and the ride went okay.
3. Jeff didn't even realize he'd reacted to Wyatt's crying prior to going in and checking on him. When I mentioned his pillow-over-the-head thing, he apologized profusely so then I felt bad for even mentioning it to all of you.
4. Wyatt tried rice cereal for the first, second and third times today. He liked it the second time (as in, he actually ate some!) but not the first and third times. Of course, it was mixed with formula the first and third times...are you seeing a pattern here?
5. For those of you who weren't aware, we have a seriously type A personality on our hands with sweet Wyatt. He enjoyed the cereal during the second attempt but - I kid you not - had to be holding the spoon himself. More precisely, he had one hand on my right hand "helping" guide the spoon and then his other hand was holding the edge of the actual spoon. I had to wrestle it from his kung fu grip a couple times. I would post a picture of it, but we were alone and I couldn't figure out how to document it. I'm sure we'll do it again :)
6. In all the venting about his non-sleep, I've failed to update all the fun stuff. So here are some pictures (the fall clothes are courtesy of his friend Isaac - it's nice to have friends who are kind enough to loan a super-cute wardrobe). He got all dressed up for church the other day.

This is what happens when you have to take a break from exersaucering:

Wyatt and Millie are now the same height and becoming good friends

We had chili for dinner last night. How convenient to have a cracker dispenser on the table.

And lastly, is it just me or is he just wanting to know if he can have my kashi and skip the whole rice cereal thing?

Give him his own spoon to hold while you feed him. That way he really can help by shoving his spoon in right after you give him a bite and then quickly removing it and rubbing it on his face and hair. Good times!
I feel really, really cool because I was about to give you the same advice as Susan. I learned it from the woman I babysit for, though, so I guess that means I'm not a mothering genius or anything.
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