Friday, November 17, 2006

Fingers Crossed...

Well, another night down and Wyatt was pretty good! He woke up once (this time at 3:45, so almost two hours later than the night before!) but this time I fed him. I thought maybe that meant we could skip the 6ish wake up, but I wrong. I will not be fooled again! He also spent all morning with Jeff because baby Jackson's shower was today and...brace yourselves....he took a bottle not once, but twice! And the second time was after I was home! He was looking at me, but taking a bottle from his daddy. Such relief. We're keeping our fingers crossed that he's coming around to our way of doing things :) Hopefully both of these new habits will be in full swing when we get back to the states in a few weeks so all you family members can cuddle and feed him to your heart's content (and maybe while you're doing that I'll have to take many unnecessary trips to Target, Nordstrom, TJMaxx, Old Navy, Gap....)

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Wow, you've been a busy little blogger! How exciting for me to have so many entries to read with my coffee this morning! I have to say, I'm mucho disappointed that Wyatt was still having sleep problems, because I was hoping Michael's (up every 3 hours to feed all night) were going to magically disappear, oh, let's say, tonight. Guess we have at least another month of up all night fun. Great. But I'm so excited for you that Wyatt is finally giving you some long stretches of sleep. I can honestly say that I know how excited you must be!!! I hope it's not just the possible cold knocking him out! Loved the pictures of your little man - he's such a cutie! And I can just picture the spoon battle. And I'm laughing. Funny Wyatt. You show Mommy how it's done!!