In other Wyatt news, I think he has officially started posing for the camera! He's hanging out in his saucer right now (standard morning ritual while I eat, make coffee, check email) and I was chatting with him while ago and he just started smiling at me. So I went to get the camera and he turned on the charm as soon as I aimed the lens his direction.

It's now 12 hours later and I'm just now getting around to finishing this post. Where does my day go? Today it went to the phone gods (many phonecalls today, many), to the nap-protester, to the commissary, to laundry, to big batch sugar cookies, to pick up the Crapina and for a walk (standard 2-loop with the Drews) - all before coming home to fix dinner and put Mr. Nap Protester to bed. Another pseudo-big day in my life.
The highlights: around 5:00 tonight, Lisa agreed to take me over to Payless Motors to pick up the Crapina, whose windows were being fixed - finally - so I decided I should call first to make sure they were still open. They answered (in what I can only assume to be Japanese, so of course I just start rattling away in English - how un-assimilated is that?!) and said they "close very soon". I said I could be there in 10 minutes and I wanted to come pick up my Carina (had to use the real name so as not to confuse them) and the guy thought for a second, then said "hai! you come pick up. Hurry!" Click. That was it. Hurry! This cracked me up. And Lisa and I were laughing thinking that if you called Jiffy Lube in the States, they would (#1) tell you that they were closing and if you made it, fine but sorry about your luck if you didn't and (#2) would somehow seem much more offensive in telling you to hurry before hanging up on you. But here it's just funny. This place amuses me to no end. Seriously, we've been here just shy of 2 years and it's not losing its charm in the least.
Second highlight: PC and Sandy did NOT get eaten by the Rottweilers while we were on our walk tonight. I mean, I know a few of you readers are Rottie lovers and I live with a Rottie lover, but seriously dude! You weigh about 250 and your two dogs just pulled your feet out from under you like you weighed a buck-o-five soaking wet. And good call on letting go of the leash for one of your attack dogs; that's a nice touch. Good thing you shouted out that verbal command just before rabid Carl sunk his teeth into Sandy's neck. And even better thing Lisa and PC have Sandy in a slip collar that she can slink right out of. And Mr. Rabid Rottie owner? Just because PC said "it's okay" in a nice voice while you were apologizing all over yourself doesn't actually mean it's okay. Clearly there was nothing okay about it, except that PC and Sandy did NOT get eaten by the Rottweilers.
1 comment:
At least it's not one step forward, two steps back, right? Sorry about the sleep deprivation. Babies are a mystery!
Love the picture posing! Such personality! Is Wyatt a little flirt? Love that!!!!
Dog story...scary! You're so nice, because I would've called the base cops because I'm a big fat scaredy cat when it comes to animals who could inflict much pain upon me. The cats are safe because if push came to shove, I could kick them across the room. Rottweiller, not so much.
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