Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Back on Track

Well, now that Wyatt is almost seven (!) months old, I decided we should probably go get his 6 month shots. You know, no time like the present. Anyway, the immunizations clinic is conveniently located just down the hall from the peds clinic so I decided to stop for a weigh-in.

Apparently Operation Stuff the Baby is working because at his appointment on January 11, Wyatt weighed 13.1 lbs. Today, exactly one week later, my little sumo-in-training weighed 15 lbs. even. Now, I didn't take his clothes or diaper off for this one, but trust me - he was definitely NOT wearing 2 lbs. of gear. I mean, even if he's really only gained a pound, that's good, right? Right.

If you disagree, please keep it to yourself because I'm pretty happy right now.

And my big boy is awake so I have to go. Time for a feeding.

1 comment:

Adrienne Rost said...

Yippee! That's great! Keep up the good work! I seem to be having the same...Operation stuff myself right now as well! Although I will be hating myself for it in about 4 mos.