Monday, January 08, 2007

My Name is Wyatt...

...and I'm getting funnier every day. My favorite things right now:
1. Millie. I look for her as soon as I get up in the morning and will practically launch myself out of Mom's arms to get closer to her. She doesn't seem to be so enamored with me, but just give her time. I'll make her like me yet!

2. Solids. Okay, not really. My mom gave me bananas last night and I didn't react like she thought I would. I ate them but I think I like sweet potatoes better! Mom says my dad loves bananas and that I'll come around. We'll see. She also said those store-bought bananas are a little more tangy than fresh bananas and that I might like homemade banana baby food better. Whatever tangy is...

3. Rolling. I love to roll. I roll everywhere I want to go. And then sometimes I cap it off with a commando crawl to grab what I'm after. Except Millie. She keeps moving away from me.

4. Slurping on my bottom lip. Mom & Dad keep laughing at me when I do this but I don't know why. It's totally fun to slurp your bottom lip - and now I'm so good at it that I've started slurping my slobber in and out. Mom said it's gross and that girls won't like it but Dad just laughed and said, "who cares?"

5. Me. I think I'm pretty cool and Mom lets me check myself out in the mirror. Like last night, before bed, she stood me up facing her after she put me in my pajamas but I just whipped myself right around so I could have some quality mirror time before I went to sleep. And then Mom videoed me - check me out!


Anonymous said...

We think you're as cute as you think you are, Wyatt! We love you.
-Uncle Mark, Aunt Susan, Andrew & Thomas

Leslie said...

I just love that little grin he gave at the end! Adorable :) Can I squeeze him???