Tuesday, January 09, 2007

I Request a Do-Over, Please

Ever have those days that you wish you could just take back and start over? Well, today is kind of one of them. It's not THAT bad, I guess, just not smooth sailing. Why, you ask? Well, it's like this: I woke up with a headache (never good) and decided a little Starbucks might make me feel better. I didn't want to go alone, so I recruited Lisa and Nathan to go, too. Off we go to the new Starbucks (quite nice, by the way. Lots of room inside, even a few couches and armchairs!) where the following occurs: first, Nathan dumps his grahams onto said armchair, so we move to the standard tables where I, being the slick girl that I am, proceed to knock my coffee off the table onto the floor.

***Bright spot: I didn't spill it all over Lisa, but it was close***

The very loud clatter (it was my refillable bat mug, of course) brings the nice Starbucks man Japanese-scurrying around the corner so I ask him if I can get a rag. Only I definitely don't know how to say, "hey nice Japanese man, can I get a rag to clean this up?" in Japanese, so I use my impeccable pointy-talky instead. He hands me a rag but also gestures something that I don't understand. It translated as, "don't use our kitchen rag on the floor; I'll bring a mop instead" so then the nice Starbucks man is mopping at our feet.

Meanwhile, Wyatt has squirmed out of his carseat (where I lovingly placed him without strapping him in so that I could go get the rag) so Lisa retreived him. Nathan used that moment of distraction to help himself to Lisa's hot caramel macchiato. Thank goodness he really just poured it onto his cheek and down his shirt and that it wasn't that hot anymore, but seriously! Can you say "fiasco"?! 'Cause that was us. Shortly thereafter we departed because I think both boys and all the Japanese seeking a peaceful morning coffee had had quite enough, thank you.

Wyatt was acting really tired when we got home so I put him down for a nap. He informed me he wasn't quite ready to nap by screaming bloody murder. So I went in and got him, we played for a while, I tried again a half-hour later thinking that he would definitely be tired by now. Plus, it's now late enough that I've probably put his afternoon nap in jeopardy. Oh no, he's still not ready to sleep. Now I get to listen to him scream bloody murder AGAIN! Lucky me. And that headache? It's still with me despite my latte and 3 advil. Oh well.

It sounds as though the little man has succumbed to sleepyland while I've been typing so I think I'll take a little snooze myself. Maybe when we wake up we can get restart our day with a better attitude :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You had me laughing out loud. Now that you are getting so savy with uploading movies and whatnot-- maybe you should try and have the circus theme music start playing when people read your latest entry. :) Its days like today that I contemplate changing the name of my blog from "adventures in Okinawa" to "life under the big top". I hope your afternoon goes better.