I've been trying for two days to post a video to my blog - no luck. And it's great video! Will have to keep trying....in the meantime, I'm trying to share pictures from today and I haven't figured out this whole arrange-pictures-around-your-text thing. Sorry, but this is as good as it gets!
Wyatt and I made a trip to the beach because it was such a beautiful afternoon.
He loved running his hands through the sand (and didn't try to eat it - good boy!) and he really liked it when I rolled up his little pants and let him splish splash in the East China Sea. It seems like we have some big fun ahead of us at the beach - can't wait for spring!
Oh, and I took his pants off for the ride home since they were wet and apparently it's super cool to ride in your carseat wearing only a onesie and some socks - he was chattering up a storm and slapping his thighs the whole way back. If only I'd caught that on film!
Cutie, cutie, cutie.
He's such a big boy now! Look at him sitting up in the sand all by himself! Wow, they grow up so fast. What great memories of beach time with Mom :)
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