Wednesday, January 10, 2007

You Know What They Say

All's well that ends well, right? I guess. My day turned out okay. I know you were on the edge of your seat with anticipation after this morning's events. Go ahead, relax.

Wyatt is the barometer (instigator?)of my days and his late afternoon excellent mood meant today ended on a good note. Hightlights: today he chose to acutally EAT some bananas before he started crying; figured out how to drink from his new sippy cup (although he apparently doesn't care for the taste of water); he also all-out laughed at Millie - who cares that it was because Millie was choking - and played with his cool new leapfrog music table...with his feet! I took video that is, quite honestly, fairly funny but I lack the time and the patience to upload it right now. Maybe later.

For now, how about a couple pictures to sate your need to see my adorable offspring. Hmmm....I'm not feeling too humble tonight, am I?

The picture on the right is from this morning and is especially for Grandma Rock since she gave Wyatt these super cuddly, awesomely soft pajamas. They just make me want to SQUEEZE him. And please, take note of his kickin' bedhead.

The photo below shows him in the midst of his late afternoon lollapalooza on his blanket. Check out his banana/slobber covered shirt and the hand that is a blur. He's all action, all the time.

The longing look toward Millie. I like how she just pretends she can't feel him staring her down!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures of your cutie. Looks like he is getting lots of hair.