Saturday, February 10, 2007

The 'rents Came Through...Photos for Everyone!

Wyatt's second Japanese subway trip (unless you count all the ones he made in utero; he was almost equally cocooned either way.)

This is Wyatt modeling his cool Japanese high chair strap. Luckily we had some advance notice on this concept: they provide the chair but no strap. It's BYOS all over Japan. His says "Bebeis your smile makes everyone happy"

Bundled in his backpack, napping while we stroll. His ability to fall asleep was our clue he was staying warm :)

All of us ready to check out the ice sculptures. Doesn't Wyatt look like he's having fun?!

Wyatt had to borrow my scarf while we looked at the ice sculptures - his little cheeks were so cold!
It was a little snowy....and Wyatt wasn't so sure about us dragging him around in it. This picture looks a lot like the photo above, but doesn't really capture the fact that it was a heavy, wet snow blowing straight in our faces. This would be the day we opted out of sledding (good call!) and instead went into the underground mall to walk home (another good call).

Our backpack converts to a stroller, and Wyatt enjoyed it for a little bit (in the underground mall). Please note him flirting with the nice Japanese lady who was flirting with him, because that was a daily occurence. They love the little blue-eyed babies and he loves them right back!

Sweet Wyatt was having so much fun before our dinner at the Sapporo beer museum. However, approximately 7 seconds after this he COMPLETELY melted down and proceeded to wail through dinner. Sweet.

This one's for Wyatt's great-aunt and great-uncle. They gave him this super-cute snowflake sweater, which he wore to dinner and out to see the sights, but it was too cold to actually take a picture while we were out in it. SOOOOO....he had his photo shoot back in the room. Still cute, though, and in the spirit of the festival, don't you think?
He looks at home, doesn't he? This might be my favorite picture from the trip :) Wyatt.......Brewed in Hokkaido since 1876.

And finally, two non-Wyatt pics (whew!). The first one is for Andrew. Look at this cool digger! It stands to reason the Japanese, who put cartoon characters on their construction signs, would just go ahead and paint their equipment a little whimsically, too.

Last is this sign from in front of China's snow sculpture in the international part of the festival. Do you think maybe if you'd let people have more than one baby that you wouldn't have a declining birthrate?!!!! Just a thought.


Anonymous said...

Sweet, sweet, Wyatt! Love the pics. He ALWAYS looks like Jeff to me, except in that first pic where he's cocooned to him where I think he looks EXACTLY like you. Weird.

Anonymous said...

Oh my...HAIR!! When did Wyatt get so much hair??? I can't wait to see him in person!! Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

Steph, some of these pictures are almost mirror images of your baby pictures. He's looking so grown up! Your pictures are much more interesting than mine in the trade.