Saturday, January 03, 2009


I'm the uncool kid in the lunchroom, circling the cool kids' table and feeling invited but yet uncomfortable sitting there. I cannot figure out Facebook! I keep thinking I'll write it off entirely (it's not as though I've really done anything with it) but then someone who I think it'd be fun to be in contact with joins and sends me an invitation to be friends, so I feel compelled to go back and accept them (because how rude is it not to?! even if it is months after they originally added me) and there I am again, trying to figure it out. I realize that it cannot be rocket science since it appears everyone I've ever known is on there, but I need a tutorial.

So who's going to teach me? Don't all raise your hands at once.


The Blake Family said...

So, Cody and I have been gone for a couple of days and I get on your blog and see all these new entries. So, I've caught up...I love the (o)pposum pictures!! Too funny! Skype does work great...we should get together on Skype with you, as we have it too!! And, the facebook thing...can't help, have avoided that one. Good luck.

Heather and Scott said...

We tried to avoid the facebook thing, but quickly got sucked in. I don't really know the ins and outs of it and still have more questions then answers, but it has been a lot of fun to catch up with friends from school, camps, past assignments, etc. If I can help you with your questions, just send them my way :)

Steph said...

I can help a little. Let me know what you need and I'll try to help with what I can. I was wary of it at first because it seemed like yet another challenge that would take me far too long to conquer but like most things, all it takes is getting your hands in there and playing with it and eventually you'll wonder how you lived without it. I mean, seriously. Haven't you always wondered what your boyfriend from 7th grade is doing with his life now?

Amber said...

Ha! Until Facebook I would have considered myself pretty internet/computer savvy... I had to have my sister help me quite a bit at first(and still do sometimes). It will get!

Team Kuehni said...

Yay! I'm not the only "loser" who doesn't get Facebook! (I say that in total jest of course!). I am probably the only person I know who doesn't have a Facebook page, and all my friends let me know how unsatisfactory that is. They just can't believe I don't have a page. Well, I'm happy that I have a non-Facebook friend now! Can we start our own cool-kids group...and be Blogger friends?

Leslie said...

I've delved into Facebook a wee bit, and my conclusion is that it doesn't actually do anything! And I refuse to re-enter all the info that I've so painfully entered already in blogger...too much of a time suck! So, I simply threw a couple pictures of Michael up to satisfy my non blogging friends and then added a little comment directing everyone to our blog for more current info. You can post on someone's wall, for everyone to see, or you can send them a message that's private, like e-mail, and then you never have to check it because you get notified of all messages and such via e-mail after that. That's how I use it, anyway...

Jody & Joey said...

Yes, you must delve into the black hole that is facebook. I promised Leslie B a tutorial too.