Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Same But Different

Just when we're thinking that yeah, they might look alike we take a gander at old pictures and realize, no, they kind of don't. Gene pools are a curious thing. I love digital archives for the precision of the dates - these photos show my babies within days of the same age (if that makes sense). And I love how we look back at baby Wyatt pictures and recognize expressions we see all the time now.
P.S. For all my insistence that there will be no more babies in our family, I'm realizing that Natalie's babyhood is a little fleeting. If I could be guaranteed another one with her temperament...and issued another whopping dose of patience for the toddler years...


Susan said...

Hmmmm. I'm trying not to say "I told you so" about the maybe one more thing...

The Blake Family said...

Let me know if you find the "magical pool" that freely gives away that "whopping dose of patience for the toddler years." Some days, I'm in dire need of that for this FIRST time around!! What a fun comparison of pictures!

Laurie R. said...

Even though they don't look just alike, you can definitely tell that those beautiful kiddos are brother and sister. I wish I could see them in person!

kristen said...

Love these pictures Steph! Hope you all are having a great start to your summer.