1. We went to Kansas for a couple of weeks.
A. no visit is long enough to see everyone/do everything I hope to fit into a single trip.
B. after more trips than I'd hoped to make, I found us a rental house in Leavenworth.
C. we're going to miss a lot of things about Virginia.
D. just because I'm from Kansas doesn't mean my kids know a thing about it.
1. Wyatt was impressed by all the hills.
2. Wyatt wanted to know what those big things were in that field (round hay bales).
3. Cows = common along KS interstates, not so much in other places we've lived.
4. Wyatt was perplexed as to how there could be a backup on the interstate if no bridges or tunnels are involved.
E. the Atlanta airport needs to invest in a kids' play area. Seriously? Not one in the ENTIRE airport?
1. It's amazing how much a four-year old can be amused by riding trains and moving sidewalks from terminal to terminal.
F. Wyatt is a really great traveller; he can do the security gauntlet in his sleep.
2. I ran a half-marathon yesterday.
A. the original goal was to start running more (again) and finish the race.
B. trained as though finishing was my only goal, averaging two runs a week since the first week of July.
C. was pretty excited to finish in 2:25, but still disappointed to have not finished in 2:20.
D. had to remind myself of the original goal and that if I want to get faster, I'll have to train harder.
E. thank goodness for good running partners who get really happy in the last few miles while I'm getting grumpy and tired.
F. am sore today.
G. it's seeming entirely possible that I have a stress fracture in my foot.
1. have been thinking this for weeks (months?) now, but kept thinking it would go away.
2. running 13.1 miles on a pretty sore foot was maybe not a good move.
3. am wondering how one goes about "resting" a foot while taking care of two small children.
3. We have a lot to accomplish in the next couple of months re: home projects.
A. have to find a property manager.
B. have to find renters.
C. have to keep each room picked up long enough to take pictures for a listing
1. of all the tasks, this one seems the most insurmountable.
D. have a lot of extra junk to cull out of our lives prior to the neighborhood garage sale.
E. are contemplating a large dity move; need to commit and start packing.
1. must acquire boxes if this is to be.
That's it. That's all we've been doing (well, in addition to all the normal antics of a 4-year-old and not-quite-18-month-old which, wow, are kind of a lot by themselves).
Hopefully I'll be back on my game soon with pictures and funny stories and whatever other drivel you seek on this site. But for now, I think I'll hobble off to bed.
I wondered where you were! I missed your blogging, so you can make that 7 readers if you didn't count me already ;) Umm, when are you leaving? I was kinda sorta hoping to make a road trip down to Langley to see you and Kendre and whoever else might be there at some point in the near future, but I didn't realize that there might be a deadline! Eek.
Half marathon? Really? You couldn't drag me kicking and screaming through a 5k right now. Good work!
House pictures...I recommend attempting to get 1 room photographed per day...you can move the parade of toys and homeless random items from room to room as you go. More than that is overwhelming! The really hard part is keeping kids out of the picture...
Welcome home and back to blogging and running and mothering and planning and sorting and discarding and.... It's endless, I think. So glad you're going to be near your family. How fun for you all/the cousins/the grandparents/ the sis & b-in-law/and lots of extended family!
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