Sunday, March 25, 2012


Natalie just emerged, looking like this. I asked if I could take a picture because it was amazing. She said, "oh yes! I worked really hard on it. Isn't it beautiful?"

Eye of the beholder, girl. Eye of the beholder.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Susan said...

Words escape me.

Mom said...

"Beautiful" is one way to describe it. The days of hair falling in the face as each clip was yanked out with a clump of hair seem to be a distant memory.

Darling's said...

Oh I love it! Just remember, clips are better than her exploring the scissors with a haircut!!!

Leslie said...

Love it! I can just envision her concentrating so hard as she put each clip exactly where she wanted it to go. Quite a beautiful rainbow effect she's created there :)

Adrienne Rost said...

Be-utiful! Oh how I wish her and Ella were closer in proximity! They are sooo very much the same person!