Saturday, December 30, 2006

Home Again, Home Again....

...jiggety jig. If you know the rhyme, that makes sense to you. It's kind of stuck in my head right now. Anyhoo...

We made it! Yesterday was a loooonnnnnggg day, but we all survived. Wyatt was great, he slept a lot on the plane and we were lucky enough to have 4 seats for the three of us, which made it just a touch more comfy. I mean, it wasn't business class comfy (and I know because I could see those lucky devils up there in their reclining seats with their airline-issued sleep masks, fancy meals and individual movie screens) but hey, at least we were all seated together and had an extra seat. Wyatt also managed to flirt with pretty much all the flight attendants as well as the nice Chinese family across the aisle from us. I'm calling it now: my son will date dark-haired girls, he finds them fascinating. I am SO glad we were all together for the trip since I was pretty sure my head was going to explode for about 3 hours of the flight. Don't worry, it's still intact. That would have been a bad turn of events, huh?

So now we're home, getting settled into our real lives and trying to make our house not smell You know what I mean? It smelled stale like it did when we first moved in. Why does that happen? I mean, people were in and out over here, Lisa's family used our oven and washer so it's not as if new smells weren't introduced but somehow it still smelled like house. If anyone has any suggestions on how to make that not happen, let me know. I think that's one of the worst parts of returning from a long trip. And I might need more to worry about.

Wyatt might be a touch confused about day and night (our first hint was having to wake him from his three hour nap this morning) but otherwise is doing quite well. He's such a good boy. I think he's missing the rest of the family already. I mean, it's hard to go from being the star to just being a regular guy again. And it's an especially hard lesson when you haven't had your first birthday yet. Oh well, I think it'll make him a more resilient adult :)

Well, I'd better start getting ready for our big night. It's new year's eve, you know, and we have a party planned with some tortilla soup, Alias season 5 and our 6 month old. Big times, big times. Try not to be jealous because my life rocks.

Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

We're glad you made it back - sorry everyone got sick =( And it's a good thing our 6 month old has dark hair...since that's why Wyatt goes for =) Love you guys!

Ade said...

Got your message. Glad your trip home went well. We miss you already! Jack was just asking about baby "Qyatt"! I hope you enjoyed your New Years! I'll call you soon!