We've found a pediatrician that passes muster! We'll call him Dr. V, because....well, that's his name. He seems to be the right blend of friendly, funny and smart. But not smart-ass, because we got enough of that with Dr. SAL.
Today's appt. was the follow-up requested by Dr. SAL so here are the updated stats: Wyatt is 14 lbs, 13.5 oz. (yes, every half ounce counts and I'm still berating myself for not pumping him full of a bottle immediately prior to putting him on the scale) and he's 24" long. Trust me, I was actively involved in making sure the tech accounted for every millimeter of length and I might or might not have questioned her measuring technique. She was nice about it, though. I'm sure they get "my type" in there all the time - you know, the moms who've been made to feel this big about how their child is progressing - so she knew to let me "help" get accurate measurements. Anyway, the handy-dandy chart shows that Wyatt is now tracking right back where he was (still small, but perfectly small thank you very much). It's like last month's little dot on that chart is just a big, fat (or short, thin) anomaly. Yay!
Please note that yesterday's post should be edited to include the following: the combination of two favorite things is exponentially greater than the two items by themselves. Like today, when Millie sneezed, it was awesome!
Good job, Wyatt. Keep eating those bananas and beans and bananas and avacodoes and bananas and bananas and.....You make your mother (and grandmother) proud!
Yahoo! I'm so thankful you finally drew the long straw at the ped's office and got a great doc! It makes all the difference! We're seeing a new doc next week, too. I hope he's encouraging!
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