Sunday, January 21, 2007

An Open Letter

I've been a pretty poor friend to a lot of people out there in the last few months. I'm not really talking about the people with whom I have face-to-face contact (though there are a couple of those, too) but more the friends with whom I'm connected by e-mail and phone. Let's face it, I am a pretty good e-mailer (usually) and not so good at the phonecalls. Lately I've been horrible at both.

Let me clarify: if you're wondering why you haven't heard from me, I really have no good reason. You can also rest assured that I probably go to bed every night with the best intentions to call you the next day. And that carries over to the next day and the next and then here I am, months later, berating myself for not holding up my end of the friendship. I apologize.

I apologize that I let the minutiae of my everyday life get in the way of more important big-picture things, like my oldest friendships. And my not-new-year's-anymore-resolution is to change my behavior. You know, reprogram myself on this issue.

I just wanted you to know.

And it's going to be a challenge for me. Just because it is. Just so you know.

The irony here is that most of the people I'm thinking of don't even know this blog exists. But somehow I feel better just having put this in writing.


P.S. Wyatt is getting really good at pushing up on all fours then scooting his little legs forward. Can crawling be far behind?


Anonymous said...

I hope you remember this when you move far away from us and I still want a daily dose of the Rock household. :)

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I have been thinking about you guys and wondering what was happening in your life. For some reason I was able to remember this website off the top of my head (although I thoroughly enjoy reading it, I haven't looked at it in a couple of months), and this was the first thing I read. I have no idea if you had me in mind, but I'm going to pretend that you did. :)

SStites said...

Well, I just now found your blog--NO EASY JOB, even with your parents coaching! Anyway, greetings from snowy Tucson. Yes, I said SNOWY! The little girls even had a snowball fight! We're having a great time with your folks and so far do not need to be bailed out of ANY facility! Aren't you proud of us! Now that I know about this page will check it out regularly. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Just got caught up on the blog entries today---remember that PaRon likes cheesecake--------

Anonymous said...

First of all, minutiae is a great word.

Second of all, you did find time to comment on my "Now I'm 28 Blog." You were the only one.

And lastly, it certainly doesn't seem like people don't know your blog exists. Vivian and I are jealous of the sheer number of comments you guys get to any of you posts. It appears that you have quite the following.

Anonymous said...

It's a big family!

Leslie said...

Since I know about the blog, does this mean that I'm not included as an old friend? Granted, I only left a year ago, and we only knew each other, less than a year? Anyway, if I'm not on the list, I'd like to apply. Not that you've been a distant friend to me or anything. I actually think we keep in touch pretty well considering we both have new men in our lives! But good on you for your renewed effort in keeping up old friendships! And I agree with the other commentors, your blog does have quite the following! I wonder if that's because your writing is so clever and entertaining, or is it because Wyatt is such a handsome little guy? Maybe both...

Adrienne Rost said...

We're finally back from Colorado and I'm catching up! We think about you tons and miss you even more. I may or may not fit into this category since I get to talk to you more than most! But don't be too hard on yourself. It is very hard when you are caring for a little one! We love you! Keep up the blog...if only I had one!