Thursday, January 25, 2007

Who Let the Bugleman In?

Please try to imagine my joy when I realized this morning, at 6:48 am, that they've fixed the base loudspeaker located (apparently) directly behind my bedroom window. That's right, folks! I'm now enjoying the benefit of waking up on a military base. It sounded something like this.

And we're off to the races.


Anonymous said...

Oh no no no, it's not right next to your window. It's directly in front of mine. Not only do get to plan sleeping around take off and landing times, but I also can plan on getting up nice and early!!!! I just keep reminding myself "the AC and water is free on base"...hehee, it's all good!

Anonymous said...

Why 6:48? That seems fairly random.

Leslie said...

Paul has vivid memories of living at Lakenheath as a kid with the bugle speaker mounted on their house. Now Wyatt can share those stories one day, too! I wonder if they'll sound the excercise air raid sirens through those? That could get exciting...