Thursday, March 01, 2007

Big Timer

Wyatt is officially turning into a big boy. He started pulling up this morning! I love how he saves his new skills for when we're both home - it's so thoughtful, maybe this means he's inherited the excessively nice gene from Jeff? He started crawling on a federal holiday and Jeff has a bonus day off today so it was awesome that Wyatt waited until first thing this morning to pull up (using Daddy's leg as his support, no less). Of course now he's seeing how much he can practice, so we decided it might be time to lower his crib mattress.

In two short hours he's figured out that he can help himself to his toys in the baskets under the television and that his leapfrog music table is just the right height now that we have its legs attached. I also caught him eyeing the plant on the coffee table a few minutes ago, which probably means it's time to childproof the next layer of the house. This is so fun! But I think it means I have to start wrestling him into shoes...


Anonymous said...

Why does he have to wear shoes???

Anonymous said...

Maybe Wyatt needs Keens too?

Leslie said...

He's quick! So many milestones he's just flying through! Go Mr. Wyatt!!!