Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Things that are helpful before a move:
1. Cleaning out closets.
2. Throwing away junk and random accumulated stuff.
3. Having a plan for how all of said junk and stuff will exit the house in a timely manner prior to the movers arriving.
4. Sorting our lives into three piles: what we need with us, what we need in the first four months, what we don't need to see again until second quarter of 2008.

Things that aren't as helpful, yet occupy my time:
1. Blogging and reading other peoples' blogs.
2. Cleaning out e-mail inbox.
3. Reorganizing recipe box into a binder.
4. Wyatt. Don't get me wrong, he's great, but I can already tell he's not going to help pack his room.
5. 100 Yen, gift corners, China Pete's, UniQlo and Oriental Place.

If anyone wants to pay us one last visit and help sort out the junk, paint the walls and entertain the kid, we still have the guest room available and we'll even throw in an island tour. But speak up, because I think if we dismantle that bed and return it to the furniture management office, we'll have enough room to just store all the stuff and have it shipped to Virginia.


Anonymous said...

I so wish I could come help you. I would love nothing more than to come play aunt and entertain Wyatt. Next time, I'm there!

Anonymous said...

We will be there to help you unpack and get reorganized--and paint, or give child care or -----Dad

Stephanie said...

Great! I'll pencil you in for winter/spring of 2011, unless of course you want to help me get settled and decorate in spring of 2008?

We'll be counting on your help, but I think Mom gets to do all the painting :)

The Blake Family said...

Thanks for the checklist...that might come in handy for us in a few months. By the way, if you need someone to watch Wyatt, Jackson and I would love the playfriend!!

Anonymous said...

Mom can do the painting--I can do tile and let the kid help---Andrew and Thomas helped me at Susan's