Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Just When I Think I'm Over It

We've been repatriated for a full year now and I think I've done a decent job of assimilating into mainstream America. In fact, our days in Japan no longer seem so fresh in my mind and I'm sure there are things I'm starting to filter out of my memory (sad but true). And then! Then a gem of good ol' Engrish like this shows up in my email and takes me right back.

Dear IACE's valued customers,

We wish you a very merry Christmas from all of our hearts.We thank you for choosing IACE TRAVEL when you traveled through this year. We are very appreciated.We also hope we will do business together next year as well. We are looking forward to seeing you soon!Thank you very much, again, for choosing IACE TRAVEL many times. Have a nice christmas holidays!

Maybe you have to have lived there to appreciate this one, but the "we are very appreciated" line following shortly after "merry Christmas from all of our hearts" warms my soul.


The Thomas Crew said...

My heart is many gladness after reading your post: cream soda.

That is AWESOME!

Darling's said...

It's always the little things in life huh! Any last requests for nostalgia sake before we head your direction?

Laurie R. said...

That post makes me want to deck my halls with boughs of hahrry!

The Pilot said...

Here's a little Engrish to brighten your day. This is something a freind of mine wrote to describe herself on one of those social websies. (I have to admit I check her satus daily to see what she's written.) It doesn't get more real then this.

"u know me better im sweet
person,loving.i hate person and
fake,friendly that someone i can

And by the way you're looking way cute prego.


The Blake Family said...

It is interesting how those little "Japanese" things warm your heart! We smile when we recall or see pictures pop up on the computer screen or blogs like your's. Thanks for bringing back wonderful memories!