Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Well Happy New Year

I think things are looking up for 2009. Here's why:

1. After wasting 12 hours of my life on the phone with tech support at HP, they've finally agreed to send a new printer. It seems fancier than the last one and I'm just hoping it will actually work.

2. Our new router is finally up and running. It took a little more effort than I anticipated (thanks to our modem being located in the garage and the router having to be physically connected to both the computer and the modem at the same time - picture me, hanging out in the garage doing a little tech support of my own) - but the result it quite rewarding. I've now set up our desktop in the family room in anticipation of much Skypeing over the next couple of months.

3. I just added more ram to this computer, so now the desktop is quickety quick, too. It takes so little success to make me feel so very accomplished.

4. I have a hot date for New Year's Eve. Picture this: me, Wyatt, pigs in a blanket with french fries being served picnic-style in front of a movie. We'll have a faux midnight, complete with our new noisemakers and hats, then ring in the new year with a little non-alcoholic mojito from Trader Joe's. If all goes according to plan, he'll be in bed by nine, I'll be in bed by ten and no one will be hungover tomorrow.

5. Oh, speaking of hungover, I just saw an ad for something called mommystrips. It's a test strip for breastmilk so a nursing mom can see if it's okay to feed her baby after a night on the town. I can't decide if it's just wrong or mildly brilliant. What do you think?

6. Jeff has called and arrived in one piece, though didn't get settled into a room until the very wee hours. He assures me it all looks the same and that I'll get more reports after he's banished the jetlag. Yeah, I don't miss that part.

Hope your New Year's is fantastic!


Susan said...

Happy New Year!

Adrienne Rost said...

Well...did you make it in bed by 10? Happy New Year! I should have probably stuck to the non-alcoholic mojitos...oh well!