Friday, November 27, 2009


1. LAAAAAZZZZY day for me. I can't remember the last time I stayed in my pajamas that long!

2. Espresso and Jeff's famous egg sandwich for breakfast, Thanksgiving leftovers for lunch and Three Amigos for dinner.

3. NOT fighting the crowds today. I'm very happy for you if you found a deal, but I'm quite pleased I did my minimal shopping online.

4. Christmas decorations in progress: two trees up, one half-decorated; mantel done.

5. A little boy who is loving Christmas thus far. He is single-handedly responsible for the half-decorated tree and greatly looking forward to tomorrow so we can finish.

6. Elf on a Shelf courtesy of Grandma Rock. Really cute book, very cute elf, really hoping it creates some magic.

7. Three-year old logic on how an elf might get in and out of our house. His last theory involved the elf "shooting out the window."

8. Watching an eight-month old cruise in her quest to get ahold of the remote.

9. Feeding the baby from the the Mexican restaurant. Love starting them young.

10. Saying prayers with Wyatt. Funny what he deems worthy.

11. Blackout curtains. Funny what I deem prayer-worthy.

12. A baby who is sleeping through the night.

13. Hearing a little voice sing along to Call My Name  as he falls asleep. Even better hearing him during the night when he's turned his music back on to soothe himself back to sleep.

14. Watching my husband finally just. relax. already. and fall asleep on the couch nice and early.

15. DVR'd tv shows.

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