Wednesday, October 05, 2011

This Will Mortify Him Later

And that's probably why I feel compelled to record the story now.

Wyatt just spent his lunch correcting Natalie's pronunciation of her lady parts. I kid you not, ten minutes of me keeping a straight face just to see how that little scene was going to play itself out. Persistence pays; eventually he got her to say it correctly.

She says "pachina" for the record and I don't think he permanently changed that but he did, one time, get her to repeat after him.

"Can you say, 'va'?"
"Can you say, 'gina'?"
"Good job, Natalie! You did it!"

Ah, yes. I think you both did, kiddo.


Craig and Jamie said...

That is hilarious!!

Susan said...

This must mean that he's feeling better? It takes a fair amount of energy to goad Natalie into saying something!

Laurie R. said...

Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!! And I love how you titled your post, too. That is so funny!