Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Whew. Wyatt's on day three of school and I feel like I'm just starting to come up for air. Last year, I was overwhelmed at the beginning of the year because we were on month seven of Jeff being gone more than he was home and elementary school seemed to come with so many more pieces of paper, rules, and logistics. I'm happy to say that this year I'm overwhelmed by none of those things. Instead, I'm digging out of the hole we created this summer by having too much fun. We packed our break with friends, swimming, beaches and travel. It was perfect (maybe I'll even get around to writing about it so we can look back and remember how great it was).

Even with all that fun, it would be inaccurate to say that Wyatt wasn't chomping at the bit to return to school! I'd like to think he loves learning, but I suspect he loves the structure, activities and friends more. Here's my guy on the first day with our obligatory picture.

That's the Wyatt the teacher probably thinks she has.

This is the Wyatt she'll discover soon enough...

And lest you think I'm sitting around eating bonbons, that will have to wait another couple of weeks until Natalie starts school. Until then, I'm a cruise director for an active four-year old whose copious words have had more than one target for the last couple of months. My ears are tired, yet constantly amused.


Mom said...

Hope you have a super first grade year, Wyatt. I miss the chatter, early morning cuddles, random airplanes and general activity that your active minds brought to us this summer.

The Thomas Crew said...

I can't believe Wyatt's in first grade, y'all!! He looks so grown up. Good luck this year with all the fun!