It was a great day here - 87 degrees, sunny, lots of great food and fun friends - a memorable Thanksgiving. Wyatt even decided to nap while we ate; how thoughtful! After that, he got to play in Isaac's jumperoo (he loved it), watch the adults play football/keep away and had his very first shoulder ride.

Hope your Thanksgiving is happy, too :)
Hi Steph!
Happy Thanksgiving! It's going to be a beautiful day in Lawrence as well with a high of 67 degrees.
Your folks are already at Susan's helping prepare for the day. I'm upstairs sitting at the "computer desk." Wait until you see it! I don't know how they can type on this thing. The desk is so small the keyboard hangs off the edge and every time I use the left shift-key, it tries to flip off onto the floor. It sounds like they'll have plenty of room in the new place, however.
We made it in about 8:30 last night. The trip was pretty uneventful except for the deer that ran into the side of our van while we were going about 80 mph. One more leap and we would had hit it, rather than it hitting us.
Anyway, awesome blog! Now that I know where it's at we'll check in more often. We loved the pictures of Wyatt & Jeff.
Take care,
Roger & Trish
As predicted, the weather on Thanksgiving was spectacular. After a rough year last year (in my opinion), Thanksgiving returned full of its usual vim and vigor, in spite of a sad lack of Southwestern representation. There are so many kids, Stephanie! I don't even -like- kids, and I like these kids. Maybe it's the fact that I'm related to them, of the fact that they're all ADORABLE GENIUSES, but it just warmed my heart. They had such a good time, too. Mark and Susan's is the perfect place for them to play.
My mother, possibly for the first time in her life, made a really bad cake. No one ate it, so, naturally, I gave it to Adam, who thought it was delicious.
Other than that, it was pretty much business as usual. Lots of delicious food and good company. We missed you!
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