Saturday, February 24, 2007

All Done!

Well, I think Wyatt officially has his first "word". We've been doing the sign for all done from about day one and lately he's been using it while he's in his highchair but not necessarily at the right times. However, lunch today might have been our breakthrough! Every time I'd offer up a spoonful of bananas, he'd start waving his hands and - I swear - even said ah-dah (although he says ah-dah a lot, so this could definitely be a fluke). He continued to eat his puffs and peas and took some more sips of formula, so I think he really just didn't want bananas and figured out how to tell me. Cool!

updated 24 hours later: Wyatt has also now informed us that he is all done with his diaper change (halfway through) and with his carseat (as we're loading into the car). Perhaps this wasn't the best choice for a new word?


Anonymous said...

Darn--I thought his first word would be PaRon

Anonymous said...

All done can be dangerous! The Tucker family came to visit us when Zac was about 18 months old and after all the Elmo movies and airplane snacks were losing their appeal, he began wildly signing "all done" over approximately Hays, expecting an immediate reprieve from his seatbelt! It's a multi-purpose word, if you will.

Anonymous said...

So funny. Marielle still signs all done sometimes while she says "all done." I think it's awesome when they start communicating with you and telling you what they want.

Ade said...

Just wait until he signs all done while knocking his food off his tray!!