Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Wyatt and I were having a little chat before naptime and he started talking about some kids being grown up. That led to a little Q & A session that I want to make sure I record for posterity:

Q: How old will you be when you are grown up?
A: Ten.

Q: How old will you be when you know pretty much everything?
A: Forty.

Q: How old will you be when you graduate from college?
A: Maybe about twenty-forty? Yeah, twenty-four.

Q: How old will you be when you have kids?
A: I'm going to have kids?

Q: How old will you be when you get married?
A: Mmmmmm, I think forty-six.

Q: If you'll be forty-six, how old will your wife be?
A: Forty-six, too.

Q: How many kids are you going to have?
A: Two. My first one will be Jacob and my second will be Alamazoo. And they will not look like me.
Q: No? What will they look like?
A: Well, they will have balooloolee eyes. Not really balooloolee, but just it will look like balooloolee eyes.

Annnd we're done.

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